Saturday 23 August 2008

Eating more is good, kind of.

I wouldn't describe what I'm doing as a diet, mainly because it's really not. My diet is good, I eat lots of fruit and veg, no added sugar, no caffeine at all, no chocolate, very rarely eat sweets...

My downfall has always been crisps and alcohol. So the main thing I've done, basically, is to drink a hell of a lot less. In the (recent) past, it wouldn't be unusual to drink a couple of bottles of wine in an evening, for example. On rare occasions, perhaps even three. If she was lucky, Trophy Wife might even be able to have a glass.

But no more, I'm delighted to say, and I've not really been missing it. I had a bottle the other night and was completely shitfaced, and I've been doing acid burps since; if anything can out you off wine, I think it's that.

Anyway, the reason I wanted to post is that I just read Z's post, below. For me, eating more means eating less. If I eat regularly – every three hours, give or take – I eat far, far less. No blood sugar spikes or troughs, I feel pretty fine all day long, and because I generally feel grand, there's more inclination to do sport and the things I love.

Works for me. I'm getting there far more slowly than Z, but I think I had a bit more to learn before I could make the right changes to help this along…

Two belt notches down though, can't be bad!

1 comment:

Z said...

Yes, that was what I did to start with, and I needed to. Now, I am used to having less food, I'm less inclined to feel hungry between meals. Having lost weight, I need to eat still less to keep the weight loss going, so it's just as well.