Monday 3 December 2007

A bit down

I spent an hour in the shop this morning and a couple more this afternoon - basically, that means I set up and dismantled the outside display. It was cold and, in the afternoon, rainy. I ached badly by the end, which was fair enough and my own fault for not thinking to take painkillers before I started. No need to bother afterwards, it all settles down again once I stop and warm up. But what has made me really quite despondent is noticing that my hands ached. Not all the time, when I was doing anything fiddly. I realise now that my hands do ache sometimes, and I hadn't taken any notice because I didn't know about the arthritis in my hips then.

I haven't mentioned it to anyone. But I'm going to start playing the clarinet again. Exercise for my fingers.

It is not all gloom. I have discovered I can sing better since I started cycling - as I could when I played the clarinet (not simultaneously). It's all in the breath control. The Sage will be pleased when I improve my embouchure, too. That is, build up the muscles in my lips. Wind players have great tone in their lips.

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