Wednesday 26 August 2009

Lighter, again.

Yes, I am. My new new approach has worked, mwaaaahahahaaaaaaaa!

I got swine flu late in July, the day before I was due to go on holiday, as recorded here. Been walking the dog on a long walk every morning, and a medium one in the evening, and I have visibly lost weight. Not loads, but I'm certainly under 100 kilos again. I weighed myself this morning at my mum's while wearing a big waterproof coat, hiking boots and soggy jeans (the soggy bit is all-important…), and her scales said I was about 16 stone 4lbs, or 104 kilos. I'm pretty sure you can take off the four kilos in clothing… Can't you? Anyway, it certainly puts me under 16 stone, which makes me very happy indeed. Especially as, with work and time constraints, I've not been swimming for absolutely ages. Will hopefully start again on Thursday or Friday this week.

It's a gentle weight loss, but it's satisfying, and all the walking is changing my body shape a little, but not losing any strength, which is perfect. I couldn't lose my outrageously muscular legs – they are my beloved's favourite part of me (well, in the top five), so they have to stay.

When I get down to the gym this week, I'll use their scales and find out the good news more accurately.

I'm burbling. Offski.


Z said...

Yay, well done. After a week with my sis, I don't quite dare weigh myself - calories gained from alcohol, mostly.

badgerdaddy said...

Oooh, that's the other thing I have been doing - drinking regularly! Rather than go out and go mental three times a month, or stay in and go mental five or six times, where I might drink eight cans of Murphy's, I am drinking a couple of bottles (250ml or 330ml) of beer in the evening. One while cooking dinner, another a couple of hours later... At most I'm drinking 2.5 pints a day, though over a week it will average out at much less. So rather than consuming, say, 1200 calories in one night, I'm consuming, for example, 400 a day (but not every day, 'cos I don't drink every day!) - and that I can work off easily.

elizabeth said...

Lovely. I need to shed about 5 pounds. It crept up behind me (literally) when I wasn't looking.