Friday, 3 February 2023

Magic porridge pot, only couscous. Awful.

 It's all been a bit tedious so far.  I was unwise to enter into what they call a challenge - so discouraging.  The idea was to start with a breakfast high in carbohydrate and see what that does to your blood glucose, the next morning to have a high fat breakfast, then to have both the next day, then to eat carbohydrate and walk briskly for half an hour, then on the final day to have the fat first, wait for half an hour and then have the carbs.  

I may never eat blinking couscous again.  I've gone right off avocado too.  

Seriously, this is a stupid way to introduce people into a programme that may lead to a new way of eating. If they ask for feedback (haha) then I'll tell them.  They then wanted you to do more sodding challenges - thing is, you need an empty stomach before you start so you're supposed to do it in the morning, but some of the meals are absolutely not breakfast food.  Spag bol?  Really?

I decided, belatedly, that it was counter-productive - this was evaluated on the evidence, it wasn't whimsical - and to eat what I wanted to eat and use the last few days of my glucose tracker for that.  I'm still waiting for my personal analysis, but that will arrive soon.

I'm feeling pretty disenchanted with the whole thing at present, frankly.  I'm very much against faddy eating and this seems to feed (haha) into that.  I'm on a couple of facebook groups and some people get really competitive about it, even if they''re only in competition with themselves.  I think there's good stuff in here, but fad diets aren't sustainable and I have yet to be convinced that - totally against the intentions of the people who devised the programme - it doesn't encourage unhealthily obsessive diet patterns.  

It could just be that I'm argumentative and awkward.  But if you go for this programme and are (I suggest not) determined to do the five day programme, please - on my knees, please - don't do the sodding couscous.  It will break you.

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