Saturday, 22 September 2018

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to comment on Blogger blogs which let Google users comment.  Blogger is owned by Google and I use Gmail, which I'm signed into, but that doesn't seem to be enough.  So I'm writing a post in the hope that this will be sufficient.

I'm still blogging, but not generally here.  Hope you're all well.

Monday, 3 September 2018

Massive huge humongous changes


I went zero carb. It's agreeing with me, in a big way. No sugars, nothing at all carby, and I feel damn good, energy levels are very good and consistent, and I'm enjoying the food.

I know it sounds nuts to some people, but I wanted to try it and this is week four... It's working for me so far. So I'll keep going, and start putting some workouts in, and see what happens. But so far so good.

Weight-wise, it has almost certainly had an effect, but as I have not weighed myself, I don't know quite what that is yet. I'll let you know. I'll weight myself at some point this month. Probably.